Saturday 5 December 2009

Departing Oxford

The day is finally here, I am leaving Oxford. I  must admit that it is a bittersweet feeling. I have really grown to love this little town and I think it's wonderful. I'm excited to head home and see my family and friends but I know that a little piece of my heart will stay here in Oxford. I know I griped a lot about it in my blogs over the last 3 months but it has really grown on me and I am truly going to miss it. Oh and please excuse any typos because it is 6:30AM and I haven't slept very much at all. :)

The experience here has been delightful. I am so lucky to have had this experience and I have such a sense of accomplishment and success that I have never experienced before. I made it through the term which was my main goal. I'm truly going to miss the friends that I have made here and hope that I can keep in touch with them once I'm back in the States. I can't wait to be home! Of course, as my luck would have it, they are calling for snow in DC today but I am hoping that the flight will be unaffected by the weather.

I can't wait to be back home in the comfort and warmth of my family and friends. I feel that I have been away for so long when I know it has only been 3 months. I'm truly appreciative for the experience and for having parents that were capable of sending me :) Thank you! I hope you all enjoyed reading about my adventures and I appreciate the time you took to do so. I'm signing off now this will be the last update. Thank you again and see you around!!

When one teaches, two learn.
Robert Half

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