Thursday 3 December 2009

I DID IT!!!!!!


I did it! I survived the term at Oxford. Yes it was hard and yes it was long but I did it! I have such a sense of accomplishment and pride like never before. It has been a life changing experience and I'm glad that I had the opportunity to do it. I have realized how lucky I am to have such awesome friends and family back home. I truly appreciate them and I've realized how much they all mean to me. I couldn't have gotten through my time at Oxford without you guys! 

It has been a wonderful experience to be here. I have so many great memories to take home with me and hundreds of wonderful pictures. I can't wait to get home and share them with everyone! I know this is short but I will do one last entry on the way to the airport Saturday morning. I hope everyone is well! 

One part at a time, one day at a time, we can accomplish any goal we set for ourselves."
Karen Casey, from Achievement of a Life Goal

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