Monday 30 November 2009

The Beginning of the End

Good morning, afternoon or evening! Today is Monday November 30 and I am only 5 days away from home!!! I cannot tell you how excited I am! I have completed my paper for Wednesday and just have a few revisions to change and today I am going to complete my paper for Thursday! It feels so good to be almost done with my tutorials! When I look at the calendar I can actually see December 5th at the end of the week!

So, this week I am having my normal Wednesday tutorial at 3:30 and then we (the other girl my tutor is teaching and me) are having dinner at our tutor's college. Although she hasn't told me exactly what time, I assume that it will be after my tutorial. And then I have moved my Friday tutorial up to Thursday at noon, just so I can get it out of the way and not have to worry about it all week. I plan on a doing a little shopping this week as well and pick up a few last minute gifts for my family :) And then at some point I want to just walk around for the day and take some last pictures of Oxford. Unfortunately the weather says its supposed to rain all week so we will have to see if the weather will hold out for me to take pictures.

Well, that is all for now! My last blog entry will probably be on Saturday morning on the way to the airport. I can't wait to get home!!!

The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.
Vince Lombardi

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