Wednesday 25 November 2009

7th Week

7th week is now drawing to a close and I'm so excited! Tomorrow is Thursday, where has this week gone?! I'm so excited to be home in 10 days!

I have 2 papers left to write and I have attempted to complete one today but I am struggling. I'm so anxious for this to be done and to be on my way home, but I know that I need to focus and still do my last 2 essays well. I hung out at Starbucks for most of the day with my friend and people watched for a good portion of the time. I did a little bit of reading but that was unsuccessful, I'm not very good at focusing when I'm in public.

I saw someone playing a musical saw. Yes, really it's a real thing, but I wouldn't call it an instrument exactly, but you should look it up! Well, I should probably try to get something done today so I am going to go do some reading. I hope you are all well!

Because things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are.
Bertolt Brecht

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