Wednesday 11 November 2009

Week 5 Blues

This week we all received an e-mail from the program director about 5th week blues. Apparently it is "a well documented phenomena." I would have to say that most of our house is doing pretty well in dealing with the 5th week blues. No one seems to be to depressed or too homesick. We all are of course, but we try to get by. After all I only have 24 more days to go!

I saw the new animated "Christmas Carol" with Jim Carrey. It was really good but I think a little dark for younger children. I would have to say that it was a good representation of the book. And it was in 3D, so if you want to get in the Christmas spirit go see it!

My tutorial today was canceled, my tutor said she had a lot of work that piled up this weekend and early this week and she didn't feel that she had enough time to fully go over my essay. So next week I will have 3 tutorials (I think that will be my blue week). I have 2 more essays for that class and 4 more for the Friday class.

As far as the wedding planning goes, I have been looking at photographers in the area and sending out e-mails to figure out prices and packages. I think I like the photojournalistic approach. Some of the prices are more than I was expecting but I guess after the day is done pictures are really the only things, other than memories, you have left of that special day. So don't want to skimp in that department!

Let's see what else is going on... I am going to Bath and Stonehenge this weekend so I will have some pictures to upload on Sunday. I think I have covered everything. I think I am finally coming to the realization that I am getting married next October. I think it will be more real once I get home :) If you have any suggestions or recommendations about the wedding please do let me know! I hope everything is going brilliantly for everyone!

Quote of the day:
Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.
Louis D. Brandeis

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