Friday 20 November 2009

A&E Drama

Well A&E-2 Me-0

After Wednesday's visit I am slightly discouraged about universal healthcare. Sure it seems like a great idea, let's help those who don't have insurance or can't afford it. BUT, and this is a big but folks, at the expense of proper medical care? Really?

On the second visit I went through triage. Estimated waiting time was 2 hours. I was seen in about an hour and a half. The doctor I was seen by was probably one of the rudest people I have ever met. I told him what happened Monday and what Dr. Tuten (one of mom's friends) said, and he asked me why I questioned the doctor's judgment. I responded with what Dr. Tuten said and that I needed a boot for my foot and that I wanted an x-ray. After asking me a few other questions very exasperatedly he said "Fine, we can do the x-ray but you should know that it increases your risk of cancer and infertility. I guarantee your x-ray will be 100% normal."

"Really? Cancer & infertility!?? Are you sure you're a doctor and not Captain Obvious??!" is what I wanted to shout at him at the top of my lungs. But instead of stooping to his "cheeky" level I took the little pink form and crutched over to x-ray like a decent human being would do. I was x-rayed and returned to the exam room with my flatmate Sasha so that I could be sure I wasn't crazy about this man's rudeness. He, after sitting at the nurse's station for 5 minutes finally told me to go back to the exam room I was in and he followed us in. He said there is no fracture on the x-ray like I told you there wouldn't be. I responded with "Not all stress fractures show up on x-ray right away." He didn't seem to care for what I had to say, so I finally told him that my doctor said I should get a boot. He said "we only give boots to people with fractures." He repeated this probably 5 times, as if I was hard of hearing, and then walked out of the room with no good bye or good luck or any kind of closing remark.

I returned back to the flat I spoke with my wonderfully awesome parents. They were a bit miffed, just as I was, but Mom took care of it and got a boot from Dr. Tuten. I am extremely grateful to both of my parents!! It was not cheap to send that boot over here, but it will be ridiculously nice to be able to walk on my feet again and not use those quite awful crutches!!! So a big THANK YOU!!!! to my parents! Taxis are expensive here and while I do still have money in my account I am trying to come home with some to save for the wedding!

This week has been pretty hectic and tiresome to say the least. Thank goodness it is Friday and I can relax. Next week I meet with my Wednesday tutor on Monday and then the Friday tutor as usual, on Friday. I have only 3 more papers to go and then I will be Oxford Alumna!!! 15 days to go before I take my airplane home :)

Aim for the moon. If you miss, you may hit a star.
~ W. Clement Stone

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