Thursday 15 October 2009

1 Down 1 To Go

Well my first official tutorial session was yesterday... I wanted to cry halfway through it. I basically sat there and read my paper and she would stop me every few sentences. That wasn't the bad part it's just hard when someone tells you that you can't use certain words because they are "too philosophically charged." It's not her fault these words are this way, it's just hard to be so precise! I have a lot to learn and a lot to work on for my next session.

I have a different session tomorrow morning, that one will be on Marxism. I'm halfway through writing that paper and have a couple more pages to go. I feel confident on this one; the concept is not as abstract as my previous paper.

I must send apologies to JP! It says you commented on one of my posts on Oct. 1. However, when I log-in to write new posts it never told me that I had comments! So sorry! I appreciate everyone that takes the time to read my blog during their busy lives.

Wedding info: Upon receipt of guest lists from both my family and Elliot's family the guest list has grown to 144. I'm sure that not every person will be able to attend, but I feel that there may be a few more to add to the list so this is by no means a final number (although we are trying to keep it below 150). I should be receiving a wedding planning book that I bought from my favorite site ( It has proven to be quite the helpful resource!

As always, I hope this blog finds you and yours well. I am awaiting confirmation of my return flight for December 5th. If that date holds that means I will be home in 51 days! Wooo hoo!! See you all sooner than you think!

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