Tuesday 20 October 2009

Week 2

Here it is Tuesday, I'm not sure if I think this week is going quickly or slowly. I completed my Wednesday paper on Sunday so I took a bit of Monday off to just relax and go shopping. Today I have to just add some finish touches to it and send it in by 5PM. I'm  going to start my paper for Friday and hopefully finish it tomorrow.

The program director came to visit all the houses this morning so I had to get up early. He basically just walked through the house and checked all the rooms out and then gave us a roster with everyone's phone number and such on it. Then said that we have some field trips to attend if we want, they aren't required. There is one every 2 weeks it looks like, so depending on my workload I might go to one or two. I really want to go to the Bath and Stonehenge one, but the Stonehenge part hasn't been confirmed. The trips are on Saturdays and last from 9AM to 7PM, so that is the only reason I'm hesitant on doing it. I usually use Saturday's to get ahead on my work and I don't want to go on a trip and lose an entire day of reading and writing. But I guess we will see. The first week of November (what we call 4th week) I only have one tutorial meeting on Wednesday so maybe I can get ahead with that tutorial.

Hope everyone is doing well! Things are still hectic and busy here, and I'm sure it's not going to let up. Only 46 days until home!!

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