Sunday 4 October 2009

Feeling Better

Well it is finally Sunday. I was a bit under the weather yesterday. I'm feeling a little better today, still a little nauseous but not as bad as yesterday. This is going to be a busy week. Monday I have my first meeting with a tutor around noon, then I am taking a tour of the Union and finally I have a formal dinner with OPUS. Tuesday is pretty much open and then Wednesday I have my other tutorial meeting and then I have a meeting to get my Bod Library card and then a tour of New College library later on. My primary tutorial is Philosophy of Law and then my secondary is Contemporary Political Thought. I'm excited and nervous at the same time, but I'm definitely ready to get started.

Mom and Dad went to visit a venue yesterday and Dad seems to really like it. Based on what I've heard from them and the pictures on the site I'm happy with it. My biggest concern is that if it rains the ceremony would be held in a conference room and I'm not sure how that would work out. But we will see! Hope everyone is doing well! Have a good week!

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