Wednesday 21 October 2009


What a title for today..Yet again I find myself questioning why I am here. The tutorial today was, as it was last week, dreadful. I feel so inept and so out of place when I am talking to this tutor. She is clearly brilliant and already knows everything there is to know about jurisprudence. I have a hard enough time wrapping my mind around the readings. My latest paper looked like a pen bled to death all over it. "I don't think you should use the word method here; what do you mean by the word it?" I am struggling with this course. I feel so out of my element and like I have no clue what's going on I'm embarrassed. I'm going to try to talk to the tutor about it but I'm just embarrassed. She asked if I wanted grades after each essay to which I stupidly answered yes. I probably should have just waited until the end of term. I guess I'm just going to have to work and work until I get better... or just work and nothing changes. :sigh: I'm really having a difficult time with this class and I'm not sure how to make it better.

1 comment:

  1. You are going through a type of baptismal with this tutor. She has been there and wants you to expeerience the student to teacher dynamic.

    You will also experience this after all of your schooling when you enter the job market. It can actually be fun. Don't rush it. Let it happen and your inner light will burn brighter and you will learn so very much. One day you will become Sensei.

