Friday 23 October 2009


Friday, at last! Today wasn't a bad day.. I had my tutorial this morning which went well, as my Friday tutorial usually does. I went to the library and returned my old books and checked out new ones for this weeks readings. I studied for a while in the library and then went back home. Two of my housemates and I decided to go to the ice cream shop down the road called G & D's, they are apparently quite famous to Oxford. Anyways, on the way there are a few shops and so we decided to stop in at a few. The last stop was in a store named Sylvester that contained a bunch of odd knick-knacks and trinkets. They had a line of piggy banks on the wall to your immediate right as you enter the store. Sitting there on the first shelf was a white brush painted piggy bank with "Wedding Fund" scrawled on the front in silver... I had to buy it! There is a little story that comes with it and so I will type it for you:

Original Terramundia Money Pots

This is an 'etruscan money amphora'- these money pots have been traditionally used in Italy for over 2,000 years and their hand thrown design has remained unchanged. Examples of which can be seen in the British Museum.

Once the first coin is dropped the money pot must be fed until full; uponwhich it must be smashed whilst making a wish. It is customary to replace the pot and to spend the money on good things. Broken pots are sometimes used to house plants and candles. Money pots bring good fortune. There is a fortune coin inside the pot and a separate date and desire card to insert when you begin saving.

I love this pot! You have to actually smash it in order to get the money back out so there is no cheating!! It's great! I'm not sure when we will smash it open, Dad had the idea of doing it at the reception but we will see!! I am adding to the money pot right now: US $70.61.. it's the money I had left over when I come here :) And so the savings begin!

1 comment:

  1. That is adorable! P.S. I'm going to have an EPIC blog entry soon, so be on the lookout :) Miss you!! xoxo
