Wednesday 7 October 2009

Tutorials...The End of my Social Life

Today I met with my last tutor. She is so cute and friendly! She can't be too much older than me and she is still a student studying jurisprudence. She had a binder just for me, which was awesome! I love organized people! I have quite a bit of work to do already for my 2 tutorials. For contemporary political thought I have a list of about 20 readings. My tutor for that is Dr. Martin Holmes. He has quite an extensive background and speaks at many different universities. Here is a short bio from

Dr Martin Holmes is well known as a leading Oxford University academic specialisng in political economy. In October 1987 he was appinted Senior Visiting Research Fellow at Mansfield College, Oxford, where he has subsequently been Director of the College of Business Administration (UNL) Programme since 1989. In October 1993 he was also appointed as Lecturer in Politics at St Hugh's College, Oxford. He is the author of numerous books on British political economy.

My second tutor I couldn't find a bio for, Raquel Van Der Wijk. She is just about the cutest thing ever and she's so friendly! She seems ultra-organized, which is soooo good! I really look forward to working with her!

At 2PM I am meeting to get my Bodleian Library! I am so excited! This library has over 9 million books and an underground carting system! It gets a copy of every book published in the UK! It is awesome and I can't wait to use it! I'm also getting a tour of my college (New College) library after the Bodleian. I will probably hunker down there for the evening to start on some studying.

I hope this was good enough update for now! I will try to keep you posted during the course of the term, but I make no promises. My workload is growing by the second.. haha! But in all honesty, I will do my best to update at the very least once a week. Hope everyone is well back home!

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Martin Holmes is great. He was my tutor as well. Unfortunately, after my post graduate study, and during post doc research, we lost contact. Studying at Oxford gives such a great academic experience.
