Saturday 17 October 2009

First Week is over

Well here it is Saturday and First Week is over. I guess it didn't go too badly. My first tutorial was pretty rough as I outlined in my previous post, but the second one went pretty well. He gave me an A- which is apparently a good place to be starting at with your first essay. He just told me to be a bit more sophisticated in my writing so I will work on that this week.

Right now I'm reading and taking notes for my Wednesday tutorial: Who is stung by the semantic sting? Essentially it refers to the book I read last week and the idea that legal philosophers believe that lawyers all follow certain linguistic criteria for judging propositions of law. Basically there is this idea that all lawyers must follow the same basic criteria for finding the truth of propositions of law. It's still pretty confusing.

I think some of my roommates and I are going to a ghost tour tonight, either that or a movie. I must confess I am extremely homesick today. I keep trying to tell myself that there are only 7 more Saturdays until I come home but it only helps a little. I just want to be in a place that is familiar. I'm trying not to dwell on it and just get things done but I'm finding it quite the challenge. Well back to reading I suppose!

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