Wednesday 30 September 2009

Back in Oxford

Well it's night time in Oxford. I dropped Elliot off at the airport around 3:30PM... It was so sad. It was probably one of the hardest things I have ever done. I know that it's only a couple months apart but it was still so hard after having such a wonderful time. I miss him so much already!

We had a really great time in Ireland :) I will never forget it! I still can't believe we are engaged! It seems like a dream! Not too much planned for the next couple days. I have a meeting with my advisor on Friday evening so I will hopefully find out about my tutorials then. I will keep you up to date on anything exciting!


  1. Hi Jessica - With some help from a trusted collegue, I am now able to not only read your blog, but I can comment. J.P.

  2. Congratulations to you and Elliot. I shared your news with Dotty. We are very happy and excited for you both.
