Monday 14 September 2009

The Aftermath

Good afternoon! Well this weekend was rather eventful! Our bus broke down on the way to London so we had to wait for one to come pick us up. We finally got there and only had a few moments to unpack and rest, then it was off to the Imperial War Museum. It was pretty interesting, but mostly depressing because it was all about war..(I think that was rather obvious given the name of the museum). After that we went down to the National Theater and saw a play called Pitmen Painters. It was really funny and definitely enjoyable. A couple of us walked under the London Eye (the giant ferris wheel) and past Big Ben! Everything looks amazing at night! Unfortunately my camera didn't want to cooperate so some of the pictures came out blurry, but for the most part they look pretty cool!

Saturday we woke up and had breakfast and then went to Wesminster Abbey. It was gorgeous! But I don't think it was worth the £12 I paid to get in. I couldn't even take pictures! Then we walked to Trafalgar Square which was really interesting. They have a giant column that artsy people get on and do random performances and skits. The lady when we were there was wearing a toilet seat around her neck... weird! We all separated to get lunch after that and our lunch took too long so we missed the British Museum. Then we had free time and we did a little shopping and A LOT of walking around. We went back to the hostel to rest before our group dinner. After dinner a few of us went out and got back a little later than expected. It wasn't the best experience I've ever had, but I guess it could have been worse.

Sunday we all met for breakfast and then went to the Tower of London. We saw the crown jewels which was pretty awesome. Then we were supposed to meet at the bus station at 3PM but some people were late so we had to wait. Unfortunately our bus was extremely late because of some kind of protest that was blocking the road to the station. We got back around 6PM last night, I'm not positive I was so tired.

So on the agenda for today: write papers, papers and more papers... and do laundry. I told everyone this morning that I would like to use it this afternoon and guess what.. someone is using the washing machine.. grrr. Well it's time to write papers! Check out the pictures on the photobucket website!!!

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