Sunday 6 September 2009

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

Here it is going on 12:30PM and I have been lazing around the flat for the morning. On tap for today: 1) editing and revising my paper due tomorrow 2) mentally preparing for lectures, which start tomorrow 3) Video chat date with Elliot  4) checking out the setting up of St. Giles fair which begins tomorrow and 5) thinking up a topic to use for my 10-12 page research paper due at the end of the month. So far I'm thinking that I might do some kind of comparison between the threats of terrorism in the US and either Europe or the UK, depending upon how specific our professor wants us to be. We are supposed to use the lecture topics as a reference and the terrorism one is near the end of the series.

Last night was rather fun, the play was hysterical. It's called the 12th Night and for those of you who have seen the movie "She's the man," that was taken from the main premise of the play. It was outside in a little amphitheater which was rather chilly but all in all quite enjoyable. I actually got overcharged for my dinner and had to return to the register to ask for my money back (she had charge me £6.95 when someone else from our group got the same thing and only paid £4). I ordered my hot chocolate to be ready for interval (intermission) but by the time I got down there my drink had been nicked (stolen). I then had to cut the queue (line) to talk to the servers, one of which had been the lady at the register previously. One woman told me that a drink has never been nicked in the 2 months they have been doing this and that she would not give me a drink. The lady that had helped me prior said that she would get it for me. In the process of all this I managed to walk past a gentlemen with two coffees in hand, who for whatever reason had decided not to top them, and I accidentally bumped him to which he responded with a kind of huffing and mumbling grumble of disapproval.

After the play most of the group decided to meet a few others at The Eagle and Child, a pub that once served as a hangout for J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis. I had a strawberry and pear cider which was rather good. So all in all it was a good night. I must now be off to revising my paper now. Wishing everyone well!

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