Tuesday 22 September 2009

Busy, Busy, Sick

:sigh: Well today has not been the best day, but not the worst either. I was awaken this morning around 5AM to hear a very low flying plane. I ran to my window to see what was going on but couldn't see anything; it was very loud and kinda scary.

Today was the last day of lectures which was nice, the last several were done by the same lecturer and he was very animated so you could actually pay attention! Sometimes it's a little daunting trying to listen to people with a British accent talk, they talk quite quickly and sometimes use words you aren't familiar with. For example: when talking about consecutive years they don't say nineteen ninety-seven and ninety-eight, they just say nineteen ninety-seven eight. So that was hard to keep up with sometimes.

My paper is essentially finished, just adding a few bits in here and there. I'm already at 11 pages so I can't add too much into it. I'm not sure if there is a way of posting it on here without actually putting it in a post, but if I can I will so that you guys can read it (if you are bored or interested).

Now for the down side of my day. I woke up this morning feeling a little tired and my nose has been running like mad all day. I'm really not sure were this little cold came from, but of course it's here just in time for travel week, hooray! NOT!!! I'm drinking water like a fish (yes, I know fish don't actually drink water) to try and flush out my system so I won't be all snotty for travel week.

On the up side, I bought the season of House on Itunes and watched the season premiere! I'm so glad I can actually watch it while I'm here, sure I have to wait an extra day but it's well worth it!

That is where I will leave you for now. I am going to go rest and try to get rid of this cold. Have a great day!

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