Friday 25 September 2009


So sorry I haven't posted in so long. It has been a week full of writing a paper and organizing a presentation. It went well and the paper has been handed it so it's nice to have that off my shoulders.

Elliot is now at the airport waiting to board his plane to come over! I'm so excited I can't wait :)

I cracked one of the door frames today with my elbow... Walking down the stairs there is a lip that I touch on the way down, it's above my head, and as I brought my arm down I nailed the door frame.... It still hurts :( On the bright side my cold has seemed to diminish in intensity, which I am oh so thankful for. My nose is a little sore from blowing it for the last 3 days but otherwise good. Well I'm going to try and read for a little bit then head to bed! Have a great weekend!

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