Friday 11 September 2009

London Weekend

Hello! Sorry it's taken so long to get another post up! Yesterday wasn't a very busy day, we got to sleep in because our tour of the Natural History Museum wasn't until 2:30PM. We all got together and had a snack at The Four Candles. I introduced everyone to this wonderful waffle dessert they have there. Basically it's made up of 1/2 of a Belgian waffle, Belgian chocolate sauce, and 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream! It is sooooo--> good! After that we walked to the museum and found out that our "tour guide" had left. They eventually got us a different one but it wasn't really even a tour. They just told us a little background on the museum and that was it. I'm not too sure what the point of the whole visit was; I felt like I was in the 5th grade again visiting a museum like that and then having to write a paper about it.

Anyways, we are off to London today for the weekend. Here's what we have in store: the bus ride to London (about 1 1/2 hours), a tour of the Imperial War Museum and a play at the National Theatre (Pitmen Painters). For tomorrow we have breakfast at our lodgings, tour of Westminster Abbey, Trafalgar Square, British Museum to see Elgin Marbles, at 2:30PM we have free time and then dinner at some Thai Restaurant. Finally Sunday we are going to tour the Tower of London and then head back to Oxford that afternoon. I hope that gave you some idea of what I'll be doing this weekend. I'm not sure if we will have internet access while I'm there but I'm not counting on it so I may not be able to update until Sunday afternoon or evening.

I hope everyone is well and that things are running smoothly at home, work or school. Today I ask you all a favor: Take just a moment of your day to remember those lost during the September 11th attacks. It has been 8 years since the day that our country was shaken to the core and although time has passed we must never forget what happened that day.

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