Sunday 27 September 2009

A rare occurence in Ireland

Well today we got to Ireland. The flight wasn't awful but people kept moving our bag from the overhead bin because the flight was so full. We landed in a little under an hour. The weather was actually nice for Ireland, considering they say it rains 99% of the time. We got to the hotel and checked in, it's very nice! We went into Dublin and ate at the Hard Rock Cafe. We walked around for a bit and went into a casino/ arcade place.

We got a cab back home and then walked down to the Bay. My parents called as we were walking around to just check in and see how we were. After we hung up Elliot asked if I knew why they were calling and then got down on one knee and asked "Will you marry me?" It was perfect! I couldn't have asked for anything better! Not that it is the most important thing, but the ring is gorgeous! I am so lucky to be in love with someone so great.

It has been one of the best days I can remember :) I'm so excited!

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