Wednesday 16 September 2009

Hampton Court

Let's see: today we are going to Hampton Court Palace for the entire day. I'm not sure how big it is but it seems to be a very long trip just to see a palace. Other than that I'm not too sure how much time I will have to update in the next few days, I have a massive research paper to work on and 1 page reflections for each lecture (of which there are still 12 more). So you will have to excuse me if I don't post another blog for a couple days.

Other than that there isn't too much going on. It was one girl's birthday last night so we may do a little party on Friday night to celebrate. Other than that not too much to report, yesterday was pretty cloudy for most of the day but no rain thankfully. I bought a college sweatshirt and 2 t-shirts :) I hope everyone is doing well, enjoy the rest of the work week!

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