Saturday 5 September 2009

Resting My Feet

It's about 4:05PM here in Oxford, which means it is about 11AM for those of you in the states. After 8 hours of walking yesterday I decided to keep my walking to a minimum today. The morning started out rather sunny and nice, but it has quickly turned to overcast skies with a slight drizzle. Overall my time in Oxford has been enjoyable thus far, people are friendly and the town is lovely. And good news! We found out today that our washer is in fact a dryer as well! So I don't actually have to hang my linens on the line and hope like hell it doesn't rain!!!

I did my second bout of grocery shopping today: online! Yes, you can order your groceries online and have them delivered to your door step! My goods will be delivered on Monday between 2-3PM. This is quite a novel idea and I'm not sure why we don't have such a thing in the states, but I can only guess that it is because we don't have such little towns.

I don't have anything really planned for the weekend, other than going to a play tonight that is held on the roof of the Saïd Business School. If you visit
you will be able to see the location of the play and learn a little about the company. If it rains they will hold it indoors but otherwise it's outside! How cool?!

I must confess that I am a little homesick, but I feel much better now that I have internet and phone access. Lectures are Monday-Thursday, with an odd field trip thrown in during the week. We head to London for the weekend on Sept.11th and I'm excited to explore the city!

I hope everyone is having a great work/school week! Thanks for all the well wishes and I can't wait to hear from everyone! Cheers!

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